Arcadia Transit survey

As part of the Arcadia Transit Service Assessment and Restructuring Plan project, The City of Arcadia is conducting a transit needs assessment — a survey to get input from the community regarding our transit service — that will be used to define the future of Arcadia Transit. Please help us with this effort by letting us know…

Helms icon at April's Net Breakfast

Longtime Arcadia attorney James R. “Jim” Helms will be honored as an Arcadia Business Icon at the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce’s monthly Networking Breakfast on April 16, sponsored by Rose Hills Memorial Park & Mortuary. The monthly tribute is a joint presentation between the Chamber and the Arcadia Historical Society. The guest speaker will be announced shortly.…

Ad Panel at Net Brkfst Feb. 19

An advertising/marketing panel representing Beacon Media Inc (Arcadia Weekly), CEO Jesse Dillon; Mountain Views News, Patricia Colonello; Constant Contact, Merri Jill Finstrom, Authorized Local Expert and Chief Creative at HUTdogs; and the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce, Andrew Gregson, President-Elect Arcadia Chamber; Chief Marketing Officer of The Executive Factor, and Client Relations Director for Hart, Mieras & Morris Inc.,…

Lunar New Year Feb. 15 at mall

Don’t miss the exciting activities planned for Lunar New Year at Westfield Santa Anita on Feb. 15. Westfield Santa Anita’s third annual LNY event celebrates the Year of the Ram with Lunar New Year décor throughout the Center, special retailer promotions, cultural exhibitions from the Chinese American Museum and Japanese American National Museum, and a community…

Foothill Credit Corp Contributor of Year

Foothill Credit Union has been named Corporate Community Contributor of the Year by the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce. The more than half-a-century-old non-profit, member-owned financial institution that donates more than $140,000 each year to schools, hospitals, Chambers of Commerce and other organizations, will be recognized during the Chamber’s annual Installation Dinner made possible by Keystone…

Chamber board nominees

The Arcadia Chamber of Commerce Executive/Nominating committee presents this following list of recommended candidates for the 2015-16 Board of Directors. The entire Board of Directors was presented with this list of nominees on December 10, and asked for any additional nominees. This list is now presented to the entire Chamber membership — any additional nominees…