Director of Recreation at Feb Gov Affairs

Sara Somogyi, Director of Arcadia Recreation and Community Services will be the guest speaker at Arcadia Chamber of Commerce’s Government Affairs Forum at 8 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 5, sponsored by Singpoli. Somogyi will spreak on the Recreation and Community Services Department in Arcadia, their programs, activities and services.  She will also discuss the collaborations they…

City developments at Gov Affairs

Jason Kruckeberg, Assistant City Manager & Development Services Director for the City of Arcadia wowed the audience today at the monthly Government Affairs Forum of the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce with his vast knowledge and insight into how the City functions with respect to development.  Jason helps oversee Development Services that includes Planning and Building,…

Chief Guthrie, Bag Ban Reversal, Metro

Arcadia Police will soon be introducing a Business Watch companion program to the highly-successful Neighborhood Watch program, Police Chief Robert Guthrie told more than two dozen people in attendance this morning, June 5, 2014, at the monthly Arcadia Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Forum in the Chamber’s refurbished conference room sponsored by Foothill Credit Union. And…