Arcadia Performing Arts Foundation’s first-ever Arcadia Lunar New Year Festival presents Golden Dragon Acrobats direct from China. The world-famous cirque spectacular opens the evening with their amazing athleticism and the grace of a centuries-old art form. Ticket stubs are drawn for special prizes, community leaders showcase a traditional fashion show with the AHS Chinese Parents Booster Club Choir, and the Cultural Leadership Award is presented. Golden Dragon Acrobats end festivities with fusion flair. VIP includes Aftershow Meet-and-Greet with desserts. Mezzanine $8.88– VIP $88.88. Discounts: At checkout, use code OFF30 for 30% off valid until 1/5/2018. OFF20 for 20% valid until 1/12/2018. OFF10 for 10% valid until 1/19/2018
亞凱迪亞表演藝術中心首次舉辦“農曆新年”慶祝活動,邀請到中國來的金龍雜技團,他們將會以世界聞名精彩絕倫的特技和百年古老優雅的雜技表演為我們揭開序幕,觀眾將可憑票根參加特別抽獎活動,社區領導人士也將與AHS華裔家長會合唱團一起展示傳統時裝表演和頒發傑出文化領袖獎,晚會在金龍雜技團精湛的演出結束後,設有貴賓VIP聚會甜點招待!票價從$8.88起,VIP貴賓票$88.88 歡迎上綱購票或到中心售票窗口買票!網上預購票有七折優惠折扣,請打入OFF30; 1/5/18 之後為八折 OFF20; 1/12/18 之後九折OFF10 至1/19/18