Rise & Shine attendees give their 30 second elevator pitch to introduce their business, play networking games, and enjoy a delicious breakfast. This event is attended by 50 to 60 guests, all members of the local business community. Come grow your business through networking!
$35 In-Person
$45 In-Person
*tickets must be purchased in advanced – only a limited number of tickets can be sold at the door
$45 Weds/Thurs Members/$55 Weds/Thurs Prospective Members
Visit web.arcadiacachamber.org/events to purchase your ticket today!
Nonmember Events Limitation Policy
The ACOC’s objective in establishing a nonmembers events policy is to uphold fairness to existing members and to preserve the value associated with ACOC membership. ACOC members enjoy the privilege of having unlimited access to ACOC networking events. The purpose of allowing nonmembers access to these exclusive events is to allow them the opportunity to engage with the ACOC under a trial basis.
Because prospective members would attend more than a month’s worth of ACOC events without joining, the ACOC has created a limit to how many events they can attend. The following guidelines specify nonmember attendance at events:
- Prospective Members to the ACOC are permitted to attend 2 events within a calendar year, and must take place within a 30-day period.
- If a prospective member attends a third event without joining, they will be permitted to attend, but they will be informed that this is their third event and will be asked to join or not be permitted to attend any subsequent ACOC events.
- The prospective member can’t come back within a 2 year period if they do not join.