Arcadia Unified School District Board of Education Meeting for 1.24.23
The meeting will be live-streamed at:
a. Call to Order
b. Roll Call
c. Pledge of Allegiance
d. Inspiration
e. Approval of Agenda
Approval of agenda as presented.
f. Student Representative Report
g. Audience Comments
Any person wishing to speak before the Board of Education is asked to complete a Speaker Card and provide it to the Secretary before the start of the meeting. A total of fifteen (15) minutes is allocated for audience comments. An audience member may also speak on agenda topics prior to the board discussion of the item. Under the Brown Act, the Board of Education is prohibited from discussing or taking action on any item not listed on the posted agenda.
a. 2021-2022 Audit Report
Accept the 2021-2022 Audit Report.
b. 2021-2022 Audit Report for Measure I General Obligation Bond
Accept the 2021-2022 Audit Report for Measure I General Obligation Bond.
c. Resolution No. 22-23-16: National School Counseling Week February 6-10, 2023
Approve Resolution No. 22-23-16: National School Counseling Week.
d. Resolution No. 22-23-17: National Black Hisotry Month February 2023
Adopt Resolution No. 22-23-17: National Black History Month – February 2023.
e. Items Removed From Consent Agenda
If a Board Member wishes to discuss or take separate action on an item under the Consent Agenda, the request to do so shall take place under the Approval of the Agenda item and shall be considered at this time.
a. Department Updates
a. Purchase Order Report No. 13
Approve the purchase orders and change orders as presented.
b. Special Agreement Report No. 11
Approve the special agreements as presented.
c. Budget Transfers and Adjustments 2022-2023 No. 5
Approve the attached appropriation transfers and adjustments affecting the 2022-2023 Budget as presented.
d. Warrant Report No. 7
Approve the warrant expenditures listed in the attached report.
e. Personnel Action Report No. 7
Approve Personnel Action Report No. 7
f. Field Trip Approval Report No. 5
Approve field trip(s) listed on Field Trip Approval Report No. 5
g. Memorandum of Understanding Between West San Gabriel Valley SELPA Teacher Residency Program and Arcadia Unified School District
Approve Memorandum of Understanding Between West Gabriel Valley SELPA Teacher Residency
Program and AUSD.
h. School Accountability Report Cards
Approve School Accountability Report Cards.
a. Governor’s Proposals for 2023-2024 State Budget and K-12 Education
a. The next regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting is Tuesday, February 14, 2023.
*Consent Items are matters of a routine nature, which may be adopted as a single item. The Superintendent recommends approval of the Consent Items as presented. Any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation in order to participate in a Board of Education meeting may request assistance by contacting the office of the Superintendent at 150 South Third Avenue, Arcadia, CA 91006/(626)821-6640 at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. Any individual wishing to inspect the documents relating to the published agenda may do so at the Arcadia Unified School District Education Center, 150 South Third Avenue, Arcadia CA 91006. The above agenda was posted in the lobby of the Arcadia Unified School District Arcadia Education Center located at150 South Third Avenue, Arcadia, CA 91006 as required by law.