Come join us for the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce’s monthly Government Affairs Forum, sponsored by Singpoli, with special guest speaker, Arcadia Assistant City Manager and Development Services Director Jason Kruckeberg at 8 a.m. October 2, 2014.
Kruckeberg will provide an overview of the City’s Development Services Department as well as a current snapshot of all aspects of construction and development within Arcadia. The Development Services Department handles Planning and Building, Engineering and Transportation, Economic Development, Business License Services, and Code Enforcement. He will also discuss the current high volume of residential development throughout the City, as well as proposed projects in Arcadia’s Downtown area, Lower Azusa Road, and along major business corridors. An update on the progress of the Gold Line Light Rail construction process will be provided, as well as some insight into upcoming street and traffic control projects. Finally, Jason will provide a look into development projects that are on the horizon in Arcadia and what to be looking out for in the near future.
The public is invited on the first Thursday of each month at 8 a.m. to hear information presentations at the Government Affairs Forum led by Chairman Jack Orswell from Orswell & Kasman, Inc. Invironmental Assessments & Consulting, and co-chairman Pete Ulrich, former Arcadia City Councilman. The Forum is sponsored by Singpoli and held in the remodeled Arcadia Chamber of Commerce conference room sponsored by Foothill Credit Union. The office is located at 388 W. Huntingdon Drive. RSVPs to the Chamber of Commerce office are appreciated – (626) 447-2159.