Join HUTdogs and friends at Embassy Suites in Arcadia, CA on Friday, February 22 for a Lunch and Learn Workshop.
Discover creative ways local businesses and organizations can promote their services, products, and events.
You will learn how to leverage local events, online tools, social media, explore proven Facebook and email marketing strategies that get results. We’ll show you how we’ve helped Downtown Arcadia grow their email list and get thousands of people to attend their events.
During this workshop we will interview a team of progressive marketers, thought leaders and networking experts. You’ll walk away with great ideas!
You’ll hear from these thought leaders:
- MJ & Dave from HUTdogs: Real-world campaign examples and case studies that get results.
- Brandy Harmon from the 2019 Breeder’s Cup: Is your business ready for the Breeder’s Cup?
- April Verlato and Donna Choi, Downtown Arcadia: Local examples of collaborations and events that are producing great results and helping local businesses.
- Margaret Palanca from Yelp: What is a Yelp elite event
- Karen Mac Nair, Arcadia Chamber of Commerce: Ideas for your 30-second elevator pitch
- Tim Schwehr, City of Arcadia: Business Development Resource
- Joan DeSouza, B4B: Mini Think Tank Activity
This event is only $29 per person and includes lunch.