Participation from organizations like yours are what makes California Clean Air Day a success!
Funding of up to $750 is available to make California Clean Air Day a success in the Los Angeles County community. Please complete this grant application for potential funding for your local engagement activity by August 28, 2020.
To be eligible for funding, the local project must occur on or leading up to California Clean Air Day on October 7, 2020. The local project must raise awareness of Clean Air Day, contribute to cleaning the air, encourage participants to take actions that will clean the air, and successfully engage at least 100 participants. Further, the focus of this engagement should be in service to communities designated by CalEnviroScreen, as listed here.
Some types of these local projects include: Virtual educational events, youth art contests, essay contests, no idling campaigns, and remote work challenges. There is no limit to what can be done as long as the project meets the requirements stated above.
Examples of uses of the funds could include supplies or giveaways mailed or picked up, postage, marketing expenses, etc.
Further, the planning committee submitting this application must include at least two organizations (the lead organization and partners), and the lead organization and its partners must fall into different categories as follows:
- Category A: City, County, Schools, or other Government Agency manager, official or representative
- Category B: A health care provider (public or private)
- Category C: An established community nonprofit
- Category D: A business organization (chamber of commerce, economic development agency, business improvement district, etc.)
- Category E: A small business
Applications will be scored as follows:
- Partnership between different organizations: 10 points
- Serving communities that fall into CalEnviroscreen: 10 points
- Plan for engaging 100 people: 10 points
- Contribution to cleaning the Air: 10 points
- Promotion of Clean Air Day: 10 point
Applications are due by August 28, 2020.
Please note: In keeping with Centers for Disease Control Guidelines we fully embrace virtual events as a way of celebrating California Clean Air Day. Just like in-person events, we encourage you to think creatively on ways that you inspire others in your community to take action.
For those of you who choose activities that are place-based, please take every precaution to ensure that these events are outdoors, require participants to wear facemasks and do not require extended standing closer than six feet. Examples of events that may fit these requirements include bike-rides, certain types of giveaways, certain types of tree planting events and public awareness efforts. Click here for the latest CDC guidelines on in-person gatherings.
Community groups can also apply to receive an air quality monitor courtesy of IQ Air. Air quality monitoring has been instrumentally valuable in helping to tell the story of air pollution in California and we invite you to join us in telling this story. At the end of the application, simply click the button that says “I would like to receive a monitor” to apply.