A diverse group of new members graced the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce Conference Room to meet out team of loyal Ambassadors this morning. In addition to this the Ambassador team discussed how they’ll be working with the Arcadia Chamber to make the upcoming Holiday breakfast a grand event. As well new changes will be enacted in the coming new year which the Ambassadors will help with.
New Members
Marv Kreider represents Healing Wave, and is in the business of helping people through Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy. The PEMF therapy she offers works to help heal a variety of ailment of the body. The PEMF therapy overall allows people to live fuller lives by healing from the cellular level and up. The issue has been recognized in Japan as the ailment of fibromyalgia is actually referred to as an Electromagnetic deficiency there. For more information on PEMF therapy please call Marv at 626.482.2882
Chi Hosseinion represents Coldwell Banker, through her expereicne she has gained an expertise in helping seniors, and care facilities as well as anything medical, with their financial needs. If you want to work with someone who knows the market please call Chi at 818.482.4292
Denise Chrysler represents La-Z-Boy Furntiure Galleries. She stated that La-Z-Boy was looking for good opportunities to share their business and came across the Arcadia Chamber. With more than a decade of expereince, Denise is a master when it comes to comfort. It is her pride in La-Z-Boy furniture that has kept her in the business for so long. She communicated that all the furniture are made in America. They offer superior comfort and, if you need furniture just give Denise a call at 626.471.9999.
Gary Tracy recently opened his business Valley View Commercial Doors. The company specializes in door installation and can just about take care of any needs that a facility would have. To Gary the installation of a door beautifies the business and I’m sure that’s how you’ll feel after seeing his work. For more information please call Gary at 626.367.4371.
Jae Roe is a financial advisor from Pacific Advisors, he stated that he’s looking forward to getting to know everyone. As a financial advisor with Pacific Advisors Jae devotes his work to assisting Americans retire with the right amount of savings, never running short of funds and handling all major life decisions. For more information on how you can avoid financial vulnerability please call Jae at 323.556.0213