Unique photo angles of Arcadia Chamber of Commerce member businesses…
L.A. skyscrapers look remarkably close behind Westfield Santa Anita mall
Santa Anita Park from a few blocks northeast and 9-stories high.
Denny’s – looking south on Santa Anita Avenue
Doubletree Hotel, all the way over in Monrovia…
Hotel corridor in east Arcadia and across border in Monrovia,from the Hilton Garden Inn to Doubletree in the distance.
Downtown L.A. skyline beyond Citizens Business Bank, Worley Parsons, Rusnak Mercedes, Santa Anita Park, and Westfield Santa Anita mall
Rusnak Mercedes storage parking lot south of Santa Clara Street north of Beacon’s building on Huntington Drive
The Executive Factor, Professional Advisory Services, and the law offices of Hart, Mieras, & Morris Inc. in the building at center of photo.
Arroyo Plumbing on northeast corner of intersection upper left of REI