The Arcadia Chamber of Commerce’s Day at the Races was an exciting time that included a grand buffet in the elegant Sierra Vista Terrace five floors above the finish line.
Not only did Chamber board member Vicki Knight of Century Rooter Service & Plumbing pick a 4-1 winning horse, but Chamber Ambassador chairwoman Sylvia Ramos was one of six happy winners of raffle prizes given away for no extra fee. Among the companies contributing prizes were Santa Anita Park, Spa Zanadu, N16 Cellar, and many others. A sparkling centerpiece was created and donated by Chamber President-elect Denise Weaver of Weaver & Associates Insurance.

Joan Francone of ORI Global, Chamber President Arlynn Robinson of Century Earll, and Vicki of Century Rooter at left in Winners Circle after Chamber race at Santa Anita Park.
The sixth race was named after the Chamber, which was presented in the racing form and also in neon on the giant sign on the infield just before the race. After the race three of the Day at the Races committee leaders were recognized and photographed in the winners’ Circle — Joan Francone of ORI Global, Chamber President Arlynn Robinson of Century 21 Earll, and Vicki of Century Rooter. Denise and Annette Ousterhout with Jan’s Towing were also on the committee and attended Saturday’s event with about 30 overall.
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Luminaries can almost always be seen at Santa Anita and today was no different, with Major League Baseball Hall of Fame knuckle ball pitcher Charlie Hough in the winners’ circle with famous Beverly Hills horse owner Jerry Moss (owner of Zenyatta and the “M” in A&M Records – the “A” is Alpert, as in Herb Alpert).