A person’s credit score can make a big difference when making major purchases, so understand what makes up a credit score can be helpful when getting ready to buy a car, a home, or anything else that might require a loan application. Foothill Credit Union (Foothill) will be offering an “Understanding Your Credit Report,” seminar Tuesday March 15th 2016 at 6:00pm at the Arcadia branch to help consumers learn all about their credit score.
Ever wonder what lenders look for when running a credit report? Attendees will learn what factors affect the score and what doesn’t. It will also cover the ways a credit score can be improved and attendees will learn the difference between good credit and derogatory (bad) credit.
Those who attend the seminar can bring a current credit report to be reviewed by one of Foothill’s lending experts. Simply visit annualcreditreport.com to print one of the reports provided by the three major credit bureaus and bring the report on the evening of the seminar. While the report won’t give you your actual credit score, it will allow you to view your credit report and check for any discrepancies. The Foothill experts can also help guide attendees on what to do if something within the report needs to be disputed.
Foothill experts can also provide tips on how to protect your credit and monitor it throughout the year to make sure your identity is safe and secure.
The free seminar is open to both Foothill members and non-members, but a reservation is required to attend. Reservations can be made through Foothill’s website at www.foothillcu.org.
Foothill specializes in serving local school district and hospital employees. The credit union strives to exceed its members’ expectations and is committed to improving its members’ financial well-being.
If you would like more information about this topic or to schedule an interview with a Foothill Federal Credit Union representative, please call Judy Schaeffler at 626-445-0950, ext. 6235, or e-mail Judy at judy@foothillcu.org.