Registration to participate in the Leaf Blower Exchange Program for commercial gardeners/landscapers begins on Tuesday, February 23, 2016.
Pre-registration is required to participate. Call the SCAQMD toll free at 1-888-425-6247 Tuesday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to register.
An older gas-powered lawn mower can spew more pollution into the air in a single year than a car driven more than 22,000 miles. All the gas mowers and leaf blowers that are turned in for this program are scrapped and the metal recycled. To date, SCAQMD has scrapped more than 55,000 highly polluting gasoline mowers, removing almost 114 tons of smog-forming pollutants from the Southland’s air. Similarly, the total number of old, polluting leaf blowers that have been scrapped exceeds 10,000.
For event location/dates and printable brochures, click here.