posted story about City Council passing ordinance allowing food trucks to have what they requested: approval to set up shop almost anywhere instead of being limited to mostly private property or for limited special events.
Link to article here (and embedded below).
Chamber also said the following:
Further, we are concerned that this could lead to a dis-incentive for any new business taking the time and investing the resources to open a physical location for their business in Arcadia.
But we understand that the City has no legal standing under current state law and as proven by the expensive unsuccessful challenge in Monrovia to do anything other than capitulate to the wishes of the food truck industry and lobbyists.
We can only hope that, at least in the near term, there is not enough demand for food trucks here in Arcadia or enough foot traffic in any specific location to warrant these trucks lining up along curbs in front of businesses during lunch and dinner hours. In the long-term, we hope to create more foot traffic in areas like the soon-to-be-designated Arcadia Town Center surrounding First Avenue north and south of Huntington Drive and south of the new Gold Line train station to be opened in 2016 on the northwest corner of First and Santa Clara. This area will soon be attracting a great deal of foot traffic, which we would like to entice to shop at businesses lining the street, not temporary food trucks that provide little or no benefit to Arcadia.