Imy Dulake Distinguished Citizen

Arcadia Chamber board member Imy Dulake has been named a 2015 Distinguished Citizen by the Lucky Baldwin District of the San Gabriel Valley Council Boy Scouts of America. She will be honored at a dinner event on Wednesday, May 27 at the Courtyard Marriott, 700 W. Huntington Drive, Monrovia, Ca., along with Monrovian Stephen R. Baker. Imy,…

City supports realtors, mall cops

The Arcadia City Council listened and endorsed most of the wishes of local realtors Tuesday night (May 5, 2015) and the chief of police sang the praises of mall security. A public hearing was carried over from the last regular City Council meeting on April 7 concerning an ordinance to apply regulations on realtor For…

Mixer fit for a Prince

Under the banner of Santa Anita Gardens, Sandi McQuilkin and Grace Boyd have been producing catered parties and events from their base in Arcadia (1200 S. Santa Anita Avenue) for 28 years, everything from mystery dinners, weddings, quincineras and City of Arcadia events such as the Mayor’s breakfast and City Council reorganzation reception to the…