Position Summary
Business Ambassadors are among the most active. They participate in numerous special events throughout the year, providing the Chamber with hundreds of hours of volunteer time and attending monthly Chamber functions. Business Ambassadors represent goodwill on behalf of the Chamber. Active participation by Business Ambassadors helps to improve communication within the business community, which in turn strengthens the image of the Chamber.
Essential Responsibilities
Attendance: Attends monthly Ambassador meetings and supports ACC events, including, but not limited to, the Annual ACE Awards, the Annual Golf Tournament, Taste of Arcadia, and all other ACC events by either sponsoring or attending.
Leadership: Brings leadership qualities that enhance the effectiveness of the Chamber, including volunteering at numerous events, and proactively referring new businesses to join the Chamber.
Training: Attends monthly Ambassador meetings and annual Strategic Planning meeting.
Participation: Works constructively and harmoniously with other Ambassador members and Chamber staff. Represents the Chamber at appropriate functions when requested by the Ambassador Chair, President of the Board, or the ACC CEO.
Confidentiality: Maintains a high level of confidentiality.
Support: Must be in good financial standing with the ACC.
On-boarding Process
- Application submission & review
- Interview with Chamber C.E.O. and Ambassador Chair(s)
- Appointment/election approved at the next full Board of Directors Meeting
Building Relationships
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the process for Ambassador Committee application and selection?
- What does the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce look for in a potential Ambassador?
- How long is the term of each Ambassador?
- How many Ambassador Meetings are held annually?
- What if I cannot attend a meeting?
- Are there any additional time commitments?
Ambassador inquiries are made throughout the calendar year by word-of-mouth, referral, and recruitment. The Executive Board meets regularly to examine the organization’s demographics, industry representation, vacancies, and specific needs. Applicants are vetted carefully with the guidelines mentioned above in mind. You are encouraged to review the position summary and responsibilities thoroughly. Should you be interested in applying for an Ambassador position, complete the attached application and agreement and email to karen@arcadiacachamber.org. A majority vote at the Board Meeting must approve your nomination.
Ideal candidates for the Ambassador position professionally present themselves in all situations. They serve as the welcome committee to all members, and participate in all membership recruitment activities. Our Ambassadors demonstrate commitment to the organization, its mission, and values. They have well-developed interpersonal and communication skills, essential to effective teamwork and accomplishing the ACC’s strategic objectives.
Each term is two years.
Twelve Meetings a year, one per month.
Ambassadors are expected to attend every meeting; however, ACC recognizes that unforeseen circumstances arise and treats each case individually. If you cannot attend, please communicate with Chamber Staff or the Ambassador Chair via email.
Below is a list of other commitments:
- Expectation to attend and participate in all Rise & Shine breakfasts, Ribbon Cuttings, Grand Openings, Annual Events, and After-Hours Mixers.
- Attend/schedule Business walks with other Ambassadors and Chamber Staff, attend/schedule phone calls to prospective members and invites to upcoming events.
- Serve as scheduled “greeters, table leaders, connectors” for all Chamber events.
- Proactively seek out and recruit potential new businesses.
- Bring potential new member business contact info to each monthly meeting.
- ONLY AMBASSADOR CHAIR(S) Meet with Chamber Sales Staff to establish an agenda for each upcoming Ambassador meeting
— Send out reminders to Ambassadors for forthcoming meetings