Congresswoman Judy Chu Virtual Town Hall
In the past several weeks, we have seen tens of thousands of Americans from all walks of life join in protest against racial injustices at the hands of law enforcement. Communities of color must stand united with each other in order to achieve a more just and equal society.
On Wednesday, June 24th at 5pm PT, I will be participating in a virtual event called “Strengthening our Communities: A Virtual Town Hall on Racial Justice.” As Chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, I will be joining this town hall hosted by Congresswoman Karen Bass, Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, and Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard, former Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, as a special guest.
This event will focus on a shared vision for addressing racial injustices in our communities. It will be held on Zoom, and you can RSVP HERE or click the link below. If you have any questions, please reach out to my Pasadena office at (626) 304-0110 or my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 225-5464. I hope you will be able to join us!