kitten week for the Pasadena Humane Society showing a cute kitty

Updates from Pasadena Humane Society

Updates from your community’s humane society Kitten Week, 4/23-4/29 Miniature tiger sharks are expected to make landfall in Pasadena this April as Kitten Season 2018 washes ashore. Every year, animal shelters around the country are flooded with young, homeless kittens during the spring and summer months. To help prepare for the arrival of thousands of…

city arcadia

City of Arcadia Law Day

Contact: Vanessa Guerra City Manager’s Office (626) 574-5401 Email:   CITY OF ARCADIA’S LAW DAY OFFERS FREE LEGAL ADVICE  ARCADIA, Calif. — The City of Arcadia in partnership with the Arcadia Chinese Association (ACA) will offer a free Ask-a-Lawyer Program at the Arcadia Public Library, 20 West Duarte Road, on Saturday, May 19th from…

AAR Round GBAmarch2012

Job Position open at Arcadia Association of Realtors

Job Opening at Arcadia Association of Realtors  P/T Reception/Admin position – Mandarin/English speaking a MUST    We are seeking a part-time and multi-lingual Reception & Administrative person to join our award winning organization! Successful candidates MUST proficiently speak English and Mandarin. We are a membership-based trade association and you will be the first person whom our members…