SoCalGas Shares Ways to Stay Safe and Save on Energy Bills
COVID-19 Readiness: SoCalGas Shares Ways to Stay Safe and Save Money on Energy Bills While Spending More Time at Home Home heating accounts for the largest natural gas use in most homes; here’s how to keep the thermostat low while you work or study from home due to Coronavirus concerns LOS ANGELES – March 17,…
Cabrera’s still open for take out orders
Currently, we are still open for take out orders. Guests can either call directly at the restaurant or use our delivery services such as PostMates, Grubhub, Doordash and UberEats. Also we are doing a special offer of $5 flat rate delivery within a 5 mile radius for orders $25 or over. Call (626) 445-5327
City of Hope seeking blood donations
City of Hope patients need our help! Federal agencies want blood donations to continue Two federal agencies are urging people in the United States to continue donating blood during the coronavirus pandemic. The US Department of Health and Human Services, the US Food and Drug Administration and US blood banks are urging blood donations and trying to calm…