City of Arcadia Volunteer for the 2020 Homeless Count
City of Arcadia Volunteer for the 2020 Homeless Count! Interested in volunteering during the annual City of Arcadia’s Homeless Count on January 21, 2020? The City of Arcadia in partnership with the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, will conduct its annual Homeless Count starting at 8:00pm in the Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Drive, Arcadia,…
SoCal Gas Addressing Climate Change with Renewable Hydrogen
Addressing Climate Change with Renewable Hydrogen An important article on addressing climate change with renewable hydrogen was published in Scientific American recently, and I wanted to share some important takeaways in the piece. For example, it notes that: Plans to fully power nations with renewable electricity will not succeed unless countries reconfigure all their…
Arcadia Crime Drops in 2019
Arcadia’s Crime Drops in 2019 January 14, 2020 – The Arcadia Police Department’s preliminary review of Arcadia’s 2019 crime statistics indicates that incidents of crime decreased again last year. Compared to 2018’s statistics, there was a 28% drop in Residential Burglaries, a 17% decrease in Robberies, and an 11% reduction in Assaults. Compared to 2017’s…