Romancing the Classics

Chamber Board member Wayne Williams of Professional Advisory Services, who presented the popular 1950s car show at Taste of Arcadia in 2013, is no stranger to classic cars. He produced a fun-filled nostalgic 45-minute movie that re-creates those memorable days of high school sock hops, cheerleaders, deejays spinning the best rock-and-roll music of the 1950s…

Crystal Ball Celebrating its Silver Anniversary

 Crystal Ball Celebrating its Silver Anniversary with Special Honorees, Headliner “Legendary” is one of those words that is too often overused. However, sometimes no other word better describes someone. Returning for an unprecedented third time as Methodist Hospital’s Crystal Ball headliner, legendary singer/songwriter Paul Anka will once again thrill guests with his timeless musical style…

New Downtown developments?

With the opening of the Gold Line light rail line, station, and transit plaza across the street from 24 Hour Fitness at First Avenue and Santa Clara less than two years away, two major mixed-use development proposals for Downtown Arcadia were presented to the board of directors of the Arcadia Improvement Association this week (Downtown…